The Wrong Terminal

Thursday 25 November 2010

Reasons to be cheerful.

A bit of grin and bear it, a bit of come and share it
You're welcome, we can spare it - yellow socks
Too short to be haughty, too nutty to be naughty
Going on 40 - no electric shocks

                                                                    Ian Drury

 Ive been inclined to think of my reasons to be cheerful lately, and it has come to me that they are somewhat corny and sentimental, and in the main 3 fold.
My 3 boys, now grown and left home 18, 21 and 26. Since I had them they have been either my cause for greatest concern or my cause for greatest joy -- when little and unwell the fear until they got better. Then the guilt incase I'd done something wrong. When they were naughty or in trouble, wishing they were someone Else's problem. Then the guilt! Never mind the stroppy teen shouting they didn't ask to be born, I'd wonder why I bothered to give birth !! Followed of course by, the guilt! All interspursed with all those brilliant bits that make up childhood and motherhood.
The greatest joy though has been lately in the reversal of roles, when they have given me back love and support and advice - such good advice I am humbled and wonder when on earth did they get so wise.
It is indeed an honor to be mum to these young men, who can (in a way I allow no-one else to !!) tease and make fun of me, tell me off or advise me.
There are many things in my life that bring me happiness -- my mum and dad, my friends and extended family, my lovely dogs Lola and Steve, going camping on the the Moors and the seaside, my home, and my garden, cooking, home brew, standing stones, the moon, candle light, the colour purple, the taste vanilla, it could go on and on, BUT ! --- those boys ------- !!!

" While we try to teach our children all about life,
   Our children teach us what life is all about. "
     Angela Schwindt